We Believe

We Believe 2017-05-13T23:02:28+00:00

I’ve worked in advertising since 1993. Some might call that an accomplishment,

others think I should be institutionalized. I married my best friend and have

three teenage girls. (Again, “institutionalized” comes to mind!)

The human mind fascinates me. Why we do what we do and how we perceive

things factors into my marketing strategy. We want to win customer’s mind, to

have them think of your business first. It’s a constant battle and I live in the


Enough about me…let’s talk about you.

  • I believe good advertising should be clear, concise, and relevant to the consumer.
  • I believe, as corny as it may seem, love can conquer all.
  • I believe smoking really does cause lung cancer.
  • I believe women are the stronger species.
  • I believe in daily laughter.
  • I believe hard work separates greatness from the ordinary.
  • I believe the best ad gimmick is telling the truth.
  • I believe time and money are interchangeable. To have one it will cost you the other.
  • I believe a charcoal grill is far superior to gas.